Hello Beautiful Soul,
Happy New Year to you ,
You may have clicked on this blog because something in your relationship feels off and you are looking for something to figure out what is going on ,If that is the case you are in the right place and these 6 signs will help you understand what it is .
1.You can do nothing right .
If you find this is the case then beautiful soul let me tell you now ,it is not you ,it is them .Narcissists have a high demand to be right all the time .So if you are with someome that wants to be right all the time then you are always wrong and nothing you do will be right or good enough for them .You will be consantly trying to change something about yourself to try and win their approval but no matter what you do ,it will never be enough. You however are enough and no one who loves you would want you to change because they love who you are .The narcissist does not love you and trust me, you do not love them ,you are in love with a merge of person you think they are .
2.You feel alone .
You are in a relationship but yet you feel alone, even when you are with them .It is a strange feeling to be with someome even in bed and yet you feel lonely .This is because the coldness of the narcissist is designed to make you feel that way, so they gain more control and you become more needy for affection from them, that will never be given .They want to destroy your self esteem and making you feel this way even when you are with them is one of the ways they abuse you.
3.You become engulfed by the relationship .
If you are spending every minute of your day with your partner something is wrong .You may think “I do not spend every minute with them” but let me ask you what happens when you are not with them .Are they constantly texting you ,wanting to know what you are doing and with who everytime you are not together .How much time do you get with your friends and family since you started the relationship ?, Is there always an issue when you do ?Healthy relationships encourage time away from each other .Relationships that are abusive isolate you and make you feel like you are a prisoner in them.
4.Your values go out the window,
When in a relationship with a narcissist you will find your self doing things that go against what you as a person would do .These things come in all forms .You should never have to do something that you do not want to do or feel uncomfortable with to please anyone .Compromising your values is a sure way to loose a sense of your self .
5. Name calling
I do not care if they say they are joking ,name calling and mocking you is wrong .It is actions like this that attack your self worth to the core .Would you call your best friend hurtful names or your kids ? Sometimes to see what is going on just stop and ask yourself would I say that to someone I loved ?.
6.You are exhausted
The thing with being in a relationship with a narcissit is that you are on consent cyles of highs and lows and as the relationship progresses, the lows come more often and the highs get shorter.This is exhausting to your whole self .A healthy relationship does not impact you this way.
A relationship should enhance your life and if you are reading this because you are doing nothing but questioning if the relationship is working or confused about what is going on you are most likely in a relationship with a narcissit . Look for someome to talk with about what is going on. so you can gain some clarity .
You can check out how I can help with Inspiring the power of you coaching .
Love and light from me x