7 thruths of life

Hello Beautiful Soul ,I hope all is well in your world right now and if it is not, then I am sending you love and light as always .

I will be 47 on Tuesday and there is no better time to take some space and reflect on life.Your life and what is going on and what you want to change or create for your year ahead ,It is strange that we all celebrate a New Year on New Years Eve but, did you ever think that each one of us start our own personal new year on the day of our birthday .Afterall it was day we were born and really if you think about it ,your first year began then .Well its just a thought but I like to think that maybe we would be more productive in our dreams.If we believed that instead of on New years Eve where everyone at the same time puts pressure on themseleves to do or change something and propbably only one percent succeed ,what if we each started on our birthdays.

My 7 truths I have learned in these 47 years of my life which I am sure you will relate with or maybe just needed to hear one of them at this time in your life what ever age you are .

1,Change is the one thing that is never going to change ,It is the one thing in this life that is a constant moving thing we can not avoid .Why is it that so many of do not like change ?, I think its because more times change in are life is nearly always a loss of some sort and it can be difficult to come to terms with it and how to move forward without it .As change is the only constant thing in our lives, I guess that this knowing is worth trying to embrace whole heartly so what happens we can move through it as positive as we can .

2. Since we are talking abvout change here is something I also learned, if you do not learn a lesson then the same pattern will continue to show up in your life until you do .This is very true in toxic relationships.If you keep allowing yourself to be treaated badly it will continue to happen until you learn the lesson .It is wrong to allow yourself to be treated babdly ,you deserve more always know that .

3.Never speak bably to your self .I mean it ,I know it is hard because we are always putting ourseleves down about something or other ,but it really needs to stop, because my friend you are always listening to that voice and if it is constently putting you down you will never walk into the full being of your amazing self .Talk only good things to your self and become your own cheerleader .

4.Trust your intution .Some may think I am not intutive but that is not true ,It is built into us to keep us safe ,yes, some may be more intuitive than others but that is only because they practice using their intution .When you get that feeling about someone or situation that something is off ,trust it because more times than not it is and trusting that feeling in your gut and not engaging will save yourself alot of heart ache .

5.Everyone is dealing with something .Life is hard, we all have to expersince things we wish we didnt, but unforunetly it can not be avoided .There is not one person that is not dealing with something they are finding hard .So try to remember that and be nice to people, it is the Godly part of you that needs to show up on daily basis, to create a caring world for all of us .

6.Healing takes time .No joke ,you can not rush healing .It is a gradual process and the more you except that this is truth the easrier your process will be. The kinder you will be to your self and the stronger you will be when you come out the other side of your healing process .

7.Never stop learning .You are here to grow and growth comes from learning .So read ,experience ,learn ,learn ,learn learn so you own each year of your life and you beautiful soul do become the best version of you .

Have a lovely day and remember the world is full of beautiful souls and beautiful things just like you .
