Don’t let anyone break your wings

She has a heart of gold and has given to everyone before herself ,She has been a shadow of who she possibly could be so she made a choice to spread her wings to see if she could fly .

Her wings however seemed impossible to spread ,they where not broken but stiff from how tightly they had been tied with chains of fear and troubles of someone else’s soul .Her world tried to make her hard but her spirit was soft .There was times she felt like giving up ,life did not flow and love seemed so far away ,distant from her heart ,She wonder often if she was important ,feeling invisible most days .

She knew life was not about fighting ,she knew there was a better way .The more she listened to herself ,the stronger her wings became .”No one will brake my wings .” she told herself .

Standing her ground ,willing for change ,she slowly began to fly .

Don’t let anyone break your wings ,if the power that created you intended you to crawl he would never have given you a spirit .

If you feel broken ,stuck or unhappy remember your spirit and you will find your wings .

Let go of what holds you back ,whatever it is ,whoever it is , If you feel like your wings are tied and your days are full of empty smiles ,its time to spread your wings before they get broken and fly ,fly high .


Soul shopping for you .This is an affilated link ,thank you as always for your support .