Afraid of change

If you do the same thing today as you did yesterday ,your life will never change .

To really love life and experience what it can offer you ,change is unavoidable .Its like a law of your spirit to change and grow .If we never challenge ourselves ,if we stay in relationships that do not support our growth ,if we stay in jobs that do not feed our souls ,if we do not try new things ,what is it that we are living ? .

Life is forever moving forward .Life creates situations for change to be ,these situations are not always easy ,they can mean you have to change a lot if your going to be happy .Life will not force you to change however it will present to you that change is needed .It will always be your choice to change or stay the same .To live a life you love you have to embrace change .Change does not have to be a dramatic ,no huge big changes have to occur at once ,you can take small simple steps daily to create a life you want .

Most of us however are afraid of change mainly because thats how we have been programmed ,how we have been conditioned .That our wanting more and happier lives makes us selfish but life is changing anyway ,like a whirlwind of energy flowing past and hoping that you connect with it and move forward with it to experience move love ,joy and also fun .We can become so disconnected from are true self that we loose a sense of our own vibration never mind that of the universe .

They say ,”Feel the fear and do it anyway ” ,I say ‘Hell Yes ” , Feel all the fear and push through it as on the other side of fear is love and love changes everything and it also reassures you there was no need to be afraid in the first place .


Soul Shopping for you .This is a great read ,it is an affiliated link .Thank you as always for the support .