Relationship Murder

Pouring everything you have into someone else is plain and simple personal suicide .

It strips you of everything you should have given to yourself and leaves you with an empty feeling and a relationship that has no love .So why do so many of us give so much to someone else and not enough to ourselves .Why do we make someone else the God and ourselves the salve .The product of this way of being is relationship murder .

The way we start in a relationship is the way we continue ,yet if we are honest with ourselves we know its not really the relationship we wanted and yet we created it anyway .Every relationship begins with the chase ,the excitement of two lovers ,a mystery of souls ,passion building as they figure each other out .The hours of conversations ,listening intently to every word like you have become one and he or she is the only person who will ever get you the way you get yourself .

The challenge is holding your own when two becomes one ,It is a challenge for sure as you slowly slip away when the relationship takes hold .

The love that once made you feel so alive is gone ,drifted slowly out to sea ,it happened ever so slightly but you are now standing on the shore and the love is out of reach .

Relationships are about being there for each other but they are also about being there for yourself too .There must be laughter and many smiles ,sharing dreams and desires ,ambitions and fear ,all must be supported in achieving or over coming..Relationships that are alive are built on growth and energy called equality .This energy should be in full flow ,him or her giving just as much as you give to them .Nobody is taken for granted in this light .

If we live our lives for someone else we will never really be happy .There will always be lack of light ,lack of uplifting energy ,emptiness will sit inside ,no love but anger ,disappointment ,loneliness ,jealously ,resentment all present making inside completely empty .You and relationship deserve more ,It deserves life not death ,feed it ,water it ,help it grow ,don’t murder it .Love can be tough at times but when its love and not lovely fear it shows .if you feel like you are a product of relationship murder something must change ,make sure your feeling the love and not the lovely fear x


Soul Shopping ,crystals have great energy to help you heal .This is an affiliated link ,thank you for your support .