Don’t Quit

When things don’t work out the way you planned or when you have given your all to something and failed ,there can be a overwhelming feeling inside to give up .The mind repeating to you “You can’t do this “or “You are never going to succeed ” can feel crippling especially to your spirit .The mindset is causing blocks for all the things that are trying to enter your life to help you achieve .We can spend weeks ,months even years depleting ourselves with negative thoughts that do nothing for us but bring us down on all levels .

Everyone fails at some point but in every fail there is a lesson .If you want or need something in your life and it seems you will never get it ,keep going ,don’t quit .

You may have to change something ,you may have to find a different approach or even ask for support to get there but if it is important to you don’t you dare quit ! .

Take long deep breaths into the fear ,letting go of the disappointment ,breath in to the the thoughts of “I can’t do this “and breath out and let them go .Remind yourself you are capable of anything you set your mind too .Keep your eyes and ears open to the signs that come your way to support you .Keep pushing through ,don’t quit ,never quit ,your dreams are closer than you think .Remember everyone fails but they also succeed .Fail once ,Fail twice ,Fail three times and just when you feel like quitting don’t because thats usually the moment before you breakthrough .Don’t Quit x


Soul Shopping ,little reminders around your home help keep you going .

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