Life is a relationship

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Good relationship or Bad relationship our lives are one big relationship .Think about everyone you know and everything you do, its all a relationship .

Parents ,Kids ,partner ,friend each one we have a relationship with .These relationships make up our lives ,they fill our lives every minute of the day .When a relationship turns bad its because that person wasn’t in the relationship and all of what makes it worth while was not there .Leave that one go it usually tries to ruin all the good ones you have anyway .

Relationships are made of love ,laughter and support ,they are the thing that makes drinking coffee taste so good as you chat and catch up ,they are the nights out where you danced and sang and drank too much wine ,they are the phone call that goes on for hours ,they are the hug the comforts you when your down ,they are the presents on your birthday ,they are the kiss on your forehead ,they are the voice of praise when you need it most ,they are the nurse when you are sick ,they are the chef when your hungry ,they are the lift when your car is broke ,they are the money lender when your stuck for your rent .All of your life experiences come from your relationships. Make time for them ,nourish them ,love them because at the end of the day no body is here forever but memories will always live on .Its love that creates a good and happy life and life is one big relationship so love and enjoy and give back .Don’t be a taker ,be a giver ,be a lover ,be a friend.

Soul Shopping ,I think every home should have one of these ,just love this .

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