Learning to trust again

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

When you leave a toxic relationship a lot of what relationships stand for has been broken .

If you are anything like me those main principles that make a relationship work were not just broken but shattered .So struggling to trust someone else with your heart is not uncommon but a natural protection .You have been hurt mentally ,emotionally and spiritually so building boundaries around your heart and trusting it again with someone else is not just going to happen over night .

You enter into toxic relationship unaware of what is to come .You give ,you give love ,you give some more until one day in all the giving ,you give away your power .You have been vulnerable with this person ,intimate in all ways and you shared your insecurities about yourself and they used it against you .They used you ,they hurt you ,they abused you ,they controlled you ,they made promises that where never kept and with all this they killed the trust .

So for you to never want to feel this way again with someone else is totally normal , sane and healthy .

So how will you ever enter in to a relationship again and most importantly a healthy one so the same pattern does not occur and you can openly give your heart to someone and allow the love inside you to be shared ?

You Heal

You work on you

Your build yourself up and your life

Healed souls do not attracted toxic people and if they do that relationship will not last long you will be out before the damage is done ,when you are healed you vibrate higher ,the energy you give out is different and that toxic person knows it .

Take your time ,heal everything you deserve is on the other side of the process x

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