The Perfect Partner 7 signs to look out for

Hello Beautiful Soul,

The perfect partner

Do they really exist ,Is he or she really out there ?

Well honestly I think they do, but lets get real for a moment ,none of us are fully perfect but we are a perfect creation of who we are .

When you think of your perfect partner how does it start ?

I think a lot of us will focus on the external factors more than the internal ones .We tend to focus on looks ,age ,height ,status and image, it nearly feels normal to run with these factors then looking at it different ,I am sure you could add to the list but hey they are all external after all .

So when we look for the perfect partner the majority will start with the outside factors and yet the things that make a relationship last do not come into play .

“Love is blind ‘

We can interrupt this saying how we like but let me carry on and let you know how I interrupt it .

“Love is blind ” I think it takes time to get to know someone and the more you get to know them the more attractive they become or not .The things you didn’t see at the beginning just start to fall into place and you fall in love with the whole package but mostly you fall in love with a soul not a body .Thats why others don’t see what you see hence “Love is blind “

So if my interruption is any way true then what did that person do to make you fall in love and how did they become the one ?

1)They want the best for you .

They want you to become everything you dream off and they will be there every step of the way ,supporting ,encouraging you to follow your dreams .

2) They listen

Like a bird hearing the call of their baby chicks they listen ,

They hear your joy but they also hear your pain . I think the worse think in life is being with someone that does not hear you. Its the loneliest place place in the world .

3)They are not needy

They have their own life ,dreams ,passions ,friends and family .They are growing all by themselves and you are a beautiful part of their life but not their life .

4 )Trust is present

You trust them with your feelings and insecurities .It take time to build but can be broken in a simple act .

5)Time together is not always a high

Your time with this person can be simple ,you can walk together ,watch a movie ,take a bath everything always needs to be on high vibe so you feel like you enjoy your time together … can just be .Life after all is about the real moments not the forced ones .

6 )Its ok to disagree

We all see things different and its ok to be this way .When you have a disagreement then that should be what it is .You can talk about it and you both hear eachother .If everytime you disagree about something and if becomes a full toxic rage then I am guessing they are not the one .

7)They have their friends and you have yours

You do not have to like everyone they are friends with and they do not have to like yours .

We all had relationships ,friendships before we met a certain person ,thats life ,we have family members they will not click with our new partner ,we have kids that won’t like them ,we might even have a dog that won’t except them but all that is ok . All of that is outside stuff and if you are meant to be together then eventually people will except who you are with because they see you happy and will except whats happening or you will not notice because you will know you are with the perfect partner for you .

Ps . You can be you ,all your faults and all your goodness ,never stopped from being pretty ,never stopped from dancing and having fun .You can smile if you want too ,You can cry if you need too ……Its all perfect because they are the perfect one for you x

Soul Shopping ,winter is nearly here make sure your cosy .

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