What is your true calling ?

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

Finding out your true calling can be something that hits everyone at a different age in their life .Some learn it young and some learn it much later on ,but whenever it was you started to question “what is my true calling ?” maybe you where missing what the question really is asking .

I was around 18 when I knew what calling I had , but I didn’t really grasp at the time that I was doing it already .I have gone through my life trying to get there and trying to figure the best way of how to reach my true calling , but in all that time I didn’t see I was doing it in each step I took .Maybe I was not doing as much as I wanted too but al the same I had started. I just didn’t see it as so .I think the main thing for us to remember, is no matter what you are doing with your life the question really is ‘Are you being of service ?” .

If you are asking “What’s is my true calling ” then for sure you are not happy in some area of your life .It won’t matter how much money you have or what material things you own ,if there is an empty feeling inside and if that feeling is present, then for sure you are not being of service and you are not looking at what being of service really means .

People are at their happiest when they are helping others .

I think however we over look how we are helping on a daily basis .It does not have to be a grand gesture ,it can simply be an act you are doing every day which is of service to another person.

There is an importance in all services .If your the guy collecting the rubbish it is a service ,you are helping others so they can live in a clean environment .Maybe your a doctor that saves lives ,Maybe your the baker who bakes bread ,Maybe your the teacher who is educating the young ,Maybe you are the personal trainer who is helping someone get fit ,Maybe your the mom who is looking after the kids full time .All of these positions are as important as the other and this point should not be over looked .You do not have to have millions to feel like you have found your true calling .A lot millionaires are not as happy as they look and for that reason they look for charities and programmes to give too.

Why ?

Because that is what makes them feel like they are successful .Giving ,gives them the feeling of happiness .It’s in the giving and helping that makes us feel like we are living in our true calling .

So if you are living your life and are constantly asking what is my true calling then think what service do you want to give .What talents do you have that are not being used .We are all different and each one of us have something to give .Something to give to help someone in an area of their life in which they need help with and if you sat down and looked at all the services you have at your feet that others give to you ,you would then look at life so different and you would see the service you give or you will know the true calling you want to live .Your life is about you being you and giving the best part of you away to help others and it that process you will be happy .

P.S Remember people that give are happier than the people who take .All that you give is given to you.


Soul shopping for you ,Good Read

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