“Trauma or Drama which one has more power over you?”

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

I went through years of drama .It seemed like every waking day brought something new to stress about and it felt like life was going out of control .

I now look at that time as trauma more than drama .The drama was just the reaction to lack of love and not having enough help and understanding to make what was going on not so painful .

Trauma you see is a situation that creates great pain the worse of which normally comes in the form of mental and emotional abuse .It hits hard and because you can not physically see it like a broken arm its still there in your system .Your body stores it and then reacts to new situations in your life like they are the same as before even though they are not .

So trauma or drama which one has more power over you ?

I believe they are just as powerful as each other and their is healing to do to get rid of both .You see the trauma has happen and the drama is a pattern of reaction which is followed by the trauma that you received .The drama pattern can be very self sabotaging .

When mental and emotional abuse is happening most people who are victim to it ,will later on tell themselves that it wasn’t that bad and therefore the abuse continues .That thought process is always enforced by the abuser .The victim will minimise how it effected them yet they will have symptoms of the actual effect on their body and mind .These effects will show up as depression ,anxiety,feeling detached from life ,feeling unsafe and panic will always be present ,the list can go on .

So ,if both are just as damaging to your life and well being how do be begin to fix it ?

First you must deal with the trauma .You must feel it and know that it did happen .Talk about it with someone ,a coach ,a therapist or with someone you has healed from trauma .When I was going through so much drama in my life that I felt like I was dying I went to see a therapist .I was so desperate for answers and help I needed to be heard more than anything I ever needed at that time .I sat for two hours talking ,trying to get answers to what was happening in my life and I got them “oh boy “did I get them . It was like a blind fold been taken off and for the first time ever I could see clearly .I left my marriage after that .

The trauma was deep rooted and very hard to accept ,I still have days where I hurt so much because of it but I know why I feel so bad now and that awareness and understanding of what it was lets the pain ease quicker .

In the healing of the trauma followed more drama but not as intense as what had come before .This drama was the after matt of how I was lacking in self worth ,not trusting and always on the defence which is a survival instinct so you never get hurt again .Also the drama came from attacking myself .Trying to rebuild a life from nothing and even though each day I was and life was getting better I could not see it some days and that would cause inner drama by self sabotaging myself .

So how do you heal from the after drama ,it takes time .Living in the day is the best way and learning to look at the situation at hand before reacting .You can not help feeling the lack from life when you have lived with so much lack but as you know you are worth and deserve more you learn to trust again and you learn that not everyone and every situation is out to hurt you .

Feeling unworthy and unlovable and feeling like you are always rejected is a result of trauma .Start with forgiving yourself ,Start with appreciating yourself for what you have over come .Let the negative chat go ,stop when you need to ,move forward when you can ,focus on your future the past is gone .

P.S You can and you will take back your power ,keep going x


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