When to know its time to put your dog to sleep

Hello Beautiful soul,

You think your dog will live forever and life will always be the same but in real life this is just a dream and the harsh truth of a life span ending comes to us all eventually .I put my dog asleep 3 days ago and it was one of the hardest decision’s I had to make .

Here is my story about my beloved dog Chance .

He came to us when he was 3 months old .Its was Easter Sunday and instead of a chocolate egg ,I received a chocolate lab from my friend .Her dog had a litter of pubs ,so really I knew this dog since the day he was born .He was beautiful ,fun and our love story began .

My son was 7 years old and him and our new dog Chance became best friends straight away .There was a special bond between them that grew everyday he was with us .

Beach days ,park days ,home days ,rainy days ,bad days ,good days ,Christmas day ,Birthdays all the days that came in 11 years Chance was part of them all which truly does make him family .

4 years ago he started to slow down and had alot of pain in one of his hind legs ,some anti inflammatory and a few days rest he seemed better but he couldn’t do as much as before ,his walks got shorter .2 years later he started to be in a lot of pain once again so back to the vets .An xray was given and he was diagnosed with osteoarthritis .He was put on a strict diet to loose some weight and was given tramadol for the pain .This was about a six week process ,he was taken back every week to the vet to be revised .Loosing the weight did help with the joints and he seemed to be more comfortable .He was slowly taken of the medication but long walks and playing ball was not something he could do anymore .

About 4 weeks ago he started to loose weight ,I upped his food but all that did was was make him poo more .He seemed ok just old but happy enough .In my heart of hearts I knew the end was near but as long as he was not showing signs of pain he would stay with us and go in his own time .However that was not what happen .I came home from work and he was in a bad way .It was like he had taken a seizure or something ,he used to take them when he was young but nothing like this .Chance couldn’t see me or hear me and he couldn’t walk ,it was very distressing to see. Me and my son took him to the vet .The vet could see Chance was not well .The vet gave him some medication and let us take him home to see how he was in the morning .

All night he cried ,he would not sleep ,he was in pain .Tramadol was the only thing that gave him some relief but not for long ,not like before ,this time that pain killer was not enough and he still couldn’t see us .The next morning he seemed better so we monitored him through out the day but as night fell he was in pain again .48 hours of no sleep and not wanting to make the decision to put him to sleep ,I knew it was the kindest thing I could do for him now . I spoke with the vet and he said bring him in ,in the morning .

Me and my son sat with him while he was put to sleep ,heart broken to say goodbye but comfort in knowing he was at peace now and pain free . Chance was not ever getting better it was his time to go .He will be forever missed and forever in our hearts .We will collect his ashes this week and then we will set him free .

If you are trying to make a decision about putting you dog to sleep ask your self is he in pain ,has he a good quality of life ? .It is very hard thing to decide but it might just be the most loving thing to do if he is suffering .

Here are some points to help you decide whats best for your dog .

  • If he are she has been critically injured and won’t be able to survive because of the injury .
  • If he or she is in chronic pain that can’t be managed painkillers .
  • Just existing rather than enjoying a quality of life, I have another dog and he is 14 years old he can not see and can not really hear but he seems happy enough ,eats and drinks normally and is not in pain, so I see him as living his life and just getting old when I feel like he is very old and struggling then it will be time but I do hope he just naturally goes himself .
  • Chance was in chronic pain with a few different conditions and even though I knew he was ,I also knew I did not know what level .Dogs like all animals show signs of pain and distress but because they just can’t say how bad it is ,you really have to see and feel what they are showing you .I knew Chance was not going to get better and the kindest thing was to put him a sleep .

P.S Rest in peace Chance you where more than just a dog you where part of our family ,our bestfriend , our guardian . We miss you x

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