Why Do People Gaslight ?

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Why do people gaslight ?Bottom line , people gaslight to gain control and feel more powerful in their life ,sad but true .

If you do not know what gaslighting is but yet you have heard the word been mentioned to explain certain actions in a relationship then let me explain what gaslighting actually is . Gaslighting is when someone uses manipulation by psychological means to make you the victim to doubt your own sanity and feelings . The manipulation technique is used so the person gaslighting feels better about themselves and you feel that opposite of this feeling . Its a very common tactic used in an intimate relationship with a toxic person .

Gaslighting can happen in all relationships but for sure the most damaging to the victim is in the intimate relationship . If you are an empath or a strong person (Thick skinned so to speak) gaslighting can go easily ignored for awhile until the damage sets in .You can easily make excuses for the person that is gaslighting you .Maybe you put it down to they had a bad day or they have drank to much but once the process starts and the more you try to overlook it the gaslighting will only get worse . This kind of manipulation can be very damaging to your mental health so do not take it lightly .

Lets talk about gaslighting and what you should do if you find yourself as the victim of it

Firstly no one should ever gaslight you but it is a very common tactic used in toxic relationships .If your significant other is gaslighting you it is a big red flag to get out of that relationship .The relationship is turning toxic and its not something that just goes away .In most cases it will only get a lot worse .One of the most important things to remember about gaslighting is this tactic has nothing to do with you .It is a toxic tactic to bring down your self worth and gain more control over you . No one should ever try to make you feel bad ,insecure or attack your worth .If you are been gaslighted remember the person doing it is the one with the low self worth .They want to gain power and control over you .Think of it this way ,if they are so great why would they be attacking you ,why would they not just leave ? They want you because of what you give to them and they need that supply to make them feel good so they have to try brake you a bit so you stay .Gaslighting in a relationship never stops ,it only ever gets worse remember that .No what gaslighting is for what it is ,mental and emotional abuse .Do not doubt how its making you feel ,its not love it is manipulation .

You deserve to be with someone who makes you happy ,builds you up ,creates a happy and healthy place for you to thrive. There are lots of people in the world that will do this for you ,do not settle for someone who is attacking your heart and soul .Surround your self with people who build you up .I spent half my life with someone who gaslighted me all the time .It started of very subtle but when it sets in you can be sure it will never change and you will then suffer other kinds of emotional and mental abuse in that relationship .You deserve to live your best life ,keeping being you and remember you are special and loved x


Soul shopping for you ,treat yourself you deserve it

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