3 reasons you find it hard to change .

Hey Beautiful Soul ,I hope you are well ,

Its Sunday and thank God for that .Yesterday I was feeling a little worse for wear after my Christmas works party but lots of tea and chocolate and an early night sorted me right out .

Not long until its Christmas and I am so looking forward to being with family and friends .

Every time I sit down to write a post it helps me to reinforce what I already know ,however just because I know the answer does not mean I easily apply it to things I want to change in my life but I do know that when I do, it works every time .

I think everyone in this world has something they want to change in their lives but can often find themselves in a reoccurring pattern of doing the opposite of what they wanted to do .If you have found yourself in this cycle be assured you are not alone and you have nothing to be ashamed of .

I have been in this pattern more times than I care to remember ,so know this ……everyone finds it hard to change until they get use to changing.

So why is it that we find it so hard to change ?

There are many reasons that are connected to the core reason which is the connection we have with ourselves .The more connected we are to who and what we are ,the more easier change becomes.So what makes us disconnected ?


We have be doing the same thing for so long that we do most things without even knowing .We are not consciously thinking when we are doing it .It is kinda like we are running on autopilot .It is only when we connect and tune in to the moment ,can we make a conscious choice to choose different in the situation that we are wanting to change .Habits are what they are ….habits .They are easily created ,can last a long time but they are not impossible to change you just have to be present to choose to change .

2.You feel comfortable

Even though your actions maybe be making you miserable ,unhealthy ,depressed ,anxious ,you know the feeling well .You tell yourself over and over this does not serve me and yet you continue to do the same .You feel like you have a handle on it but deep down though ,you know that is not true .Being comfortable is how half the world live but being comfortable does not mean you are happy .Change brings discomfort, but it is not forever, it is only present when change is happening .Do not be afraid to feel discomfort for awhile because on the other side of the discomfort there awaits a better you .

3.You are disconnected

We are made up of 3 parts …..The Mind ….The Body and the Spirit .

Most of us are only connected to one or two out of the three .Very few are connected to all three ,there might be sometimes all three get connected but this normally for short periods .Change is so much easier when they are all connected .Fear does not have a grip and faith is strong .It does take work to align mind ,body and spirit but the work can be very rewarding .

Here are a few points to help you begin to align them.

The mind needs meditation because its always thinking and when we meditate we allow the mind to rest and everything needs to rest at some time in the day .

The mind also needs positive thoughts .So many negative ones run through a mind on a daily basis its good to be in control of some of them .You can does this by repeating a positive affirmation during your day .

The mind needs fun ,laughter and good nutrition make sure they are present in your day .

The spirit needs to be felt .It needs to be connected with and heard so you can really be alive .Actions of love ,grace ,faith and hope feed the spirit .Do a small act each day and watch how you begin to shine .

Change can be hard but it is not impossible x

Thanks for joining me for my weekly message from my heart to yours .

Have a beautiful Day .


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