Five ways to bring more balance to your life x

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Have you ever found yourself out of sorts and thinking I feel off balance with life ?

Well if you feel that way you probably are off balance and there is most likely a very good reason for the way you feel .

Feeling off balance comes about from doing to much of one thing and not enough of the other .Maybe your working too much and not having enough play time .Maybe you are staying up too late and not sleeping enough .Maybe your in a relationship and all you do is spend time with your partner and not enough time with your friends .Whatever it is ,too much of one thing and not enough of the other will eventually make you feel out of sorts and off balance .

There is no right or wrong answer to finding balance because everyone lives and works a different way .The best way to start with finding your balance in life, is to find what you enjoy and then implement them into the 5 ways that will bring more balance into your life .

Five ways to bring more balance into your life :

  1. Top of the list is LOOK AFTER YOU
  2. Be organised
  3. Set Goals
  4. Eat well
  5. Balance in relationships both in work and personal

Looking after you .

Looking after yourself is top of the list and always should be .You need to be balanced in mind ,body and soul .Rest ,exercise and healthy food is not about being boring its about creating a healthy ,happy balanced you .Make sure you have them part of your daily routine .

Be Organised .

Being organised helps your day run smoothly, which when present brings about less stress .Of course some days will not go to plan as shit happens but being organised more days than not will help your days flow and will help you feel more balanced as you go through your day .

Set Goals .

Setting goals is a positive action for a healthy mindset .Everyone loves to achieve something they want .It does not have to be a huge over whelming goal ,it can be as small as walking 20 minutes a day ,five times a week .Once you have achieved what you set out to do your mind and mental attitude will be balanced and will thrive to make better choices for you and your life .

Eat well .

Eating well helps you feel better and have more energy .Your body needs nutritious food to be in balance to get rid of toxins and rebuild new cells .When you do not eat well you are tried more than normal ,your immune system is low and your mental health can suffer .Stock up on fresh food ,drink water and enjoying learning new healthy recipes to boost your balance .

Balance in relationships both with work and personal

Work balance is very important .You can not work all day ,every day and feel good .You are only human and you need to have other activities in your daily routine .Read ,walk ,run ,go out with friends and family ,meditate ,try new things .Make sure you have a balance because although most of us do have to work ,your life is so much bigger than just work .

Balance in our intimate relationships is so important .Being in a relationship where all you do is be with the person is unhealthy and will eventually create a unbalanced relationship and life .We all need time with different people ,to talk about different things ,to do stuff you enjoy that your partner doesn’t. You can love your partner but relationships with out balance will eventually tip the scales over .

By Jennifer Clifford

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