Can you forgive the unforgivable ?

Hello Beautiful Soul,

Can you forgive the unforgivable ?
I think it depends on who you feel like you should forgive and it also depends on what that person did. Lets face it,some actions can be so horrific we would not want to think about them never mind forgive them.It is known to be said forgiving sets you free and I believe in some ways it does but I also think forgiving can be done from a distance and it is also not about forgetting.
I think we have to look at the relationships in our life and rate them out of 10 to scale them to the importance they have in our life and the amount of time we should invest in them.
If the relationship scores lower than a 5 on your scale ,meaning that you give it 5 out of ten for importance then I wouldn’t bother wasting my energy on wondering should I forgive this person for what they did.I would just move on.
More times than not they are not thinking about what they did to you so why would you worry about them.
If you relationship scales above 5 then maybe it is something to consider.
Getting hurt by people we care about and love is one of the hardest things we face in life but unfortunately it happens to all of us at some stage.
So can you forgive the unforgivable ? ,I think you can, but it is not what you think you have to do ,to do so.
It is all about you and your healing ,not theirs.When we have been hurt by someone we go through a roller coastser of emotions and healing from the pain takes time.There is no quick fix.You have to take it day by day.There however is a day that comes and you are better.You think less about the pain or the person who created it and you move into a different reality in your life but its still there in you just waiting to be triggered by another similar action which you can create through the presence of past hurt.
So the time will come,the last step to free yourself ,regain your peace and fuck off the anger that sits in you.
If the relationship is still something you want than you will have to forgive to continue in it but if it is not,then its all about clearing you.
This forgiveness does not mean you have to have this person in your life.It is seeing them for what they are and not making it about you.It is having compassion for your self and knowing only you can change how you are feeling.You can feed the pain or release it.You have the power to take the situation and make the out come different.You get to go into the world knowing pain but surviving it and you get to not go there again.Your life is going to give you all sort of lessons but you learn from them and you create your next chapter in your life better than the first.So forgive from a distance to set yourself free and remember forgiving is not about forgetting and not forgetting is what helps you grow and find the love you deserve.
By Jennifer CLifford
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