Manipulative Abuse ,what is it ?

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

Until you know what it is ,It is impossible for you to be aware of what manipulative abuse can do .How hurtful and damaging it can be to you .Normally by the time you start to question the behaviour you are experiencing ,the damage has already occurred . All is not lost at this stage .Knowing and understanding the behaviour is where you get back your power , so you can heal and not fall into the trap again .

Three top signs someone is a manipulative abuser are as follows .

Gas lighting – A form of psychological abuse used to confuse you .

Guilt Tripping -A form of manipulative abuse causing you to feel guilty ,which makes you take responsibility for bad behaviour that was not yours .

Playing the victim to control you – A manipulative act used to gain control over you .

All three of the above behaviours make you doubt your own perceptions .Your body is in constant flight or fight mood .Your sanity and your reality are being played with .The out come of the game is control and being food for the abuser to thrive and fill their ego .

You are like a flower blooming with life before you met them.Nurtured ,watered and growing until you meet the abuser .As the act of manipulation begins your starved of water .Drop by drop you are given less until ,just like a flower without water you slowly begin to die inside .

Being manipulated by someone you thought loved you is painful .It does not go away easily .It takes time to heal .They stole your voice .They made you feel like everything was your fault .They drained you with their constant need for admiration .The lies the fed you about their achievements where so real at the time .The resentful and angry way they act when you do not deliver how they except you to treat them is exhausting.They do not do boundaries ,its their way and that is it .They isolate you because they know what they are doing and the people closet to you will see it too ,so say good bye to your close friends ,it will be them or the abuser .Your vulnerabilities are their weapons ,they will exploit them over and over again ,welcome to your weakness ,it will be used and abused .There is so much more they do and will continue to do, as long as you are with them and the hardest part to grasp in this whole journey is they seemed perfect at the start .

So how does it start ?

One way and one way only …..LOVE BOMBING

Love bombing is the act of attention and affection on an extreme level .When they say it sounds to good to be true ,they are normally right .You can not see anything but how lucky you are to have found someone that loves you so much and would do anything for you .Loves all your flaws ,weakness ,just everything ,not one disagreement ,everything is perfect ,UNTIL IT IS NOT .This is where the shit really hits the fan and you never seen it coming .More people than you may believe have been in this situation and like you they too got pulled in to it in the same way .There is nothing wrong with you but more to the point everything was great about you thats why they choose you ,remember that.

Is there life after manipulative abuse ? Yes there is ,a beautiful life so do not give up even though you have been deeply hurt .

I am here to help you heal but we do have to understand some things before we can .It is all part of the healing process .

Tune in next week to get ways to heal from this abuse and begin to thrive again ,not only in your mind ,body and spirit but in all aspects of your life .

Have a beautiful day .

Love me .

This is an affilated link ,thank you for the support .
