5 ways to heal after manipulative abuse

Hello and welcome back to inspiring the power of you . ,Its blog time .

Last week I wrote about manipulative abuse and what it is and this week we are going to dive straight in to your healing after suffering at the hands of this abuse .

First I just want to say thanks for showing up for your self and that you do not need to play down how you feel .Everything you are feeling right now is totally normal ,so allow yourself to feel .Feel the anger you have ,feel the pain you have and find someone trusting and understanding of what you went through, so you can express your feelings in a safe place .You can connect with me if you feel drawn to do so to help you with this .Inspiring the power of you coaching is all about you and your healing .

Once you have begun to deal with your feelings and are starting to feel better ,it is time to add some things into your life so you do not fall in to this trap again .First thing up ,the biggest thing ,is to protect yourself .You have to set healthy boundaries .This is lines that are not to be crossed .Boundaries are what you will not except in a relationship .You get to decide what they are .This is not about the other person ,this is about you .In the past you let things slide ,put up with things you did not agree with and went along with things that did not feel right but not anymore .Make a list of what you will not except in a relationship and this way ,when old patterns show up you will be more aware and you will stand up for your feelings and will not settle for less .

Secondly ,find some self care practices that work for you and make sure you follow through with one a least every week .Looking after you ,is your job not anyones else’s .So own that and give yourself the care you need .

Here are a couple of examples that might work for you .

Spend time in nature and with nature .It is a beautiful way to relax and get lots of fresh air .Feed the soul.

Meditation ,there are loads of free meditations online for you to take advantage of .If you can try do even 10 minutes a day but if not the for sure do one a week .

Read a book ,turn off the TV AND READ SOMETHING TO LIFT YOU UP .Reading allows us not only to learn but have alone time which we all need at some stage .

Buy your self flowers or something you want .Not because you need it but because you are worth it and all beautiful souls deserve to treat themselves remember that .

Thirdly .Take time to write what you have learned through all that you have been through .This is for you ,no one else .When we can take something positive out of a bad situation we know we have grown .Lessons are no ones fault ,they are simply growth in an action.

Fourthly ,Have compassion for your self .Every time you have attacking thoughts towards yourself or old situations get triggered have compassion for yourself .You are only human and we all get hurt and let down at some time in our lives .So things are just what they are until we know different ,so give compassion to yourself always for what you have been through.

LASTLY ,take your power back .Get clear on what you want and what you want your next relationship to be like .Do not rush ,learning and loving you does not happen over night ,so take your time .You have the power to heal ,you have the power to thrive ,all that you need is inside you .

Have a beautiful day ,

Lots of love me .

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