Five things I love about Christmas

Welcome back and I am wishing you all a very beautiful Christmas ,no matter where you are and who you are spending it with .It is that time of year again and I do love a bit of Christmas Spirit .

I am in Ireland spending this Christmas with my favourite people ,my parents and kids .There is no where I would rather be at this time of year but with them .

Christmas can be such a hype of buying and planning ,that we can forget what it is all about .Like they say ,it is not what is under the tree but who is around it with you .

After a tough year with my Dad being sick, you do start to look at times like these in a different light .Maybe we do this as we get older any way, but I do think when someone you love is unwell, life and all its occasions feel different .

I was always a a bit of a Mrs Santa Claus when my kids where young .Everything was perfect ,I bought presents for everyone no matter how small ,If I was seeing you at Christmas you where getting something .All that changed though when I left my marriage .The first Christmas ,I couldn’t even buy my kids a present .Mrs Santa Claus to Mrs no Christmas in this house lol .The thing is ,it ended up a great day because of who showed up for me .Hard times will always pass and being in the moment and just accepting ,this is how it is just for todays helps a lot .Things have got a whole lot better since that Christmas but it is one I will never forget for lots of reasons .

Even though we can have great times at Christmas and sometimes we can have hard times too ,I do still love Christmas and here is my top five reasons why .

Christmas Movies

I love sitting and watching movies about Santa Claus and holiday romances .The happiest that just flows through the magic of Christmas .Everything always working out so perfectly ,you can loose yourself for awhile and just smile at the spirit of Christmas.

Christmas songs

I know by the time Christmas is over you have heard enough but every year when I hear the first Christmas song it makes me smile .I have a few favourites and to be honest those few I love hearing ,I never get sick of listening to them .Top favourite is “All I want for Christmas is you “.

The lights

Love ,Love ,Love . Doesn’t everything and everywhere look better when they are sparkling with white lights .On roof tops to trees ,inside and outside of homes .The cities and towns look brighten up with the twinkle of every little bulb ,making Christmas shine all over the world .

The food

I love all the food from the Christmas dinner with turkey and roasted ham to the cheese board with baileys and ice snuggled around the fire and the after eights chocolate that just melt in your mouth .A dinner day that you only seem to do once a year but that what makes it special .

Family and friends

Last but the most important part .Who you get to enjoy the top four with .The laughs ,the cuddles ,the stories ,the games .The giving ,the preparing ,the coming together ,because what really makes a perfect Christmas is the people that surround you on the day .


I hope you have a lovely Christmas Day with your nearest and dearest because they are the greatest gift of all x

Lots of love me for your Christmas 2023
