5 Things that will help you create what you want

Hey Beautiful Soul,and welcome back .

2024 you have started off not so great for me but that’s the thing about a new year, you just never know what is to come.Sadly, on Thursday, I had to put my little dog Marley to sleep.Two weeks ago, he was bleeding when he went for a pee and through an ultrasound we found he had a tumour in his bladder.During this week he just started to go down hill and I knew it was time to let him go before he really began to suffer.I had him for seventeen years so it will take time to get use to him not being around.I am grateful however he is at peace now and did not suffer.Somethings in life we just have no control over but there are a lot of things that we can control and change if we want to.

In the last seven years of my life a lot has changed and some of what happen was really hard to deal with but other things that happened kept me going,but through it all I have stayed focused on what I wanted to create and how I want my life to be.It is still,work in progress but I am getting there.

Here is 5 things that have helped me work towards what I want to create even on the tough days when it seems impossible and I am sure they will help you too.


I think worrying is a complete waste of our time,Half of what we worry about never happen’s and even what does happen, does not happen in the way that we worried about it.You really do have to try to knock this on its head and let it go.

You can create whatever you want.Worrying about the how’s ,what’s and when’s is a waste of your time.If someone has done what you want to do,then so can you.It will take time ,it will take work and it will take you being consistent but it will happen.You also have to have a bit of trust that when you are stuck or unsure you will be guided in the right direction.Stay open to the signs that you receive to help you.


Your dream will be different than mine and the next person’s dream will be different than yours and that is how it should be. Variety is the spice of life .What you dream of, is all that you should and will have but only if you believe you deserve it. Here is the thing though it has to be aligned with you.If you are dreaming about getting or doing something because it is what someone else wants or you feel like you will be happy then,your dream is most likely not aligned with your true self and therefore will probably not happen and even if it does you won’t feel like it did.


My dreams are still work in progress but my journey to my dreams are happening everyday .I think the road towards your dreams is the gold not the finished product ,we just do not seem to see it that way.If they just happened. then where would the growth ,the learning and the fun be.Each action is the making of the dream and the dream is in the action.

The energy behind your dream should have purpose ,have joy,have love,have positivity.If the vibe is not uplifting then I would not call it a dream,I would say it seems like hard work and that you probably are not enjoying the journey.Check in with you and see how you are feeling when working on what you want to create.Make sure you feel good about it.


Good things take time ,great things take longer.Time gone can not be gotten back so do not rush.Everything will happen just as it is meant too.

Every time you feel like rushing ahead remember to be patient.


What ever your dream is no matter how big or small,remember the biggest gift of all is give and be of service to someone.We live in world where people need help,are lonely and depressed and even though we can not change it all we can help a little each day.Make your dream more than just about you.The feeling and vibration you will create by giving to another is where it is at. Share your dream ,vibrate to help others and what ever your dream is,know that you will not be for everyone and thats is fine.The right people will find you,the right people will be grateful and the right people will be blessed because you were true to you and what life is about.

I would love to hear from you and what your dreams are.

Have a beautiful Sunday x

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