How To Declutter Your Life

Hello beautiful souls,I hope you are good day.

It is a bright and clear day here in Malaga.Where ever you are in the world,I wish you a bright and clear day even if the weather is not as good as it is here.

It has been a long week,kinda slow, but I think it is like that every year around this time.We hit the new year with goals and plans and when the second week hits our energy seems to become dull and a bit lifeless,but it does not last for long.So my advice for you is to enjoy it. Allow your self to feel and be in the moment and relax,the pace will soon pick back up and you will be off and running again.

Our energy can become slow when we need to do some clearing out.Everything that surrounds us has an impact on our wellbeing.It is not just situations and people that effect us in a negative way but physical things impact us also.

If your surroundings are full of stuff that you do not need, then for sure so will your mind be.The amount of physical things we can collect is really quite amazing.We can accumulate a lot of shit we do not need and or even use.Decluttering your space by getting rid of junk that you do not use and organising what you do use and need can have a massive positive effect on your life.

Clearing the clutter can reduce stress and anxiety,no kidding.Can you remember a time when you did a really good clear out of your wardrobe ?How fresh did you feel,how easy was it then to choose clothes that made you feel good instead of searching in the morning stressed out and not knowing what to wear?.When things build up in our homes,we can then feel like we can not keep on top of them.That feeling flows over into our minds and bodies and therefore our lives.Focusing on the quality of life you want has NEVER been about the quantity of what you have.

Lets face it, you can only wear one pair of shoes at a time,you can only drink from one cup at a time and if you are like me there will be one cup or pair of shoes you use the most and some are never even touched.

What ever room you are sitting in right now,look around and pick one thing that you do not need and could go.

Maybe you notice more than one,and if this is the case,then you know a declutter marathon is coming .So turn up the music and get moving.

Ask your self about each item.

Do you need it ?

Do you use it ?

Does it make you feel positive or does it make you feel nothing ?

If you do not use it or it does not give you good feelings, then it is most likely time to let it go.

We can hold on to a lot of things for different reasons,but what we have to remember is that every year we grow and change and things we hold on to, do not fit with who we are becoming.Certain things have to change and certain things have to go.

If your garden was full of weeds would you still plant flowers ?

I am guessing not,I am guessing you would clear the weeds in order to plant the flowers and help them grow.Your life,your growth, pretty much works the same way.You need to clear out the old to allow in the new.The new life ,the new energy ,the new you.

If it is something you do not use all the time but does give a sense of positivity or usefulness, then maybe you just need to organise the space better.

Organising and rearranging stuff in a better way also helps us feel better in our lives. Sometimes the smallest acts have the biggest effect on our wellbeing.

What you do not use or want anymore,you can give away to a charity or even sell.Then you can use the money to do something nice for yourself.

You are not your stuff.You are so much more than a collection of objects.You are not meant to feel stuck.

Declutter,Awaken your space ,Lift your energy and make room for a beautiful year ahead .

Have a wonderful day,see you next week.

Lots of Love me x


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