The best advice on to do lists

Hey Beautiful Soul,

I hope you are well today .

Will this be the best advice on to do lists ,I believe it very well might be.

We all like to set goals and tell ourselves all the things we have to do and that making a list is a great way of sticking to what it is we want to do, but it also puts a lot of pressure on us if we do not follow through with the list.I think at some stage of our lives we all have made a do list .The idea of ticking things of the list at the end of the day was going to make us feel successful ,productive and satisfied.Thing is most of us do not feel that at the end of the day.I mean, have we not got enough things we have to do in a day without adding more by making a list about more things we have to do.Most of us have to be a work 5 or 6 days a week,Where we have to be there at a certain time ,do things all day in a job in order to keep our job ,whether we like the job or not .If you have kids you have a million things you have to do for them which takes away from time doing things you would like to do.Never even mind the daily things we have to do like, washing,cleaning and cooking,this list goes on.

It is not that to do lists are a horrible things you should not do, it is just a sure way to create failure in your life and never mind the disappointment you make yourself feel.If you are constantly making lists of things you have to do you are on a rollercoaster of bad feeling.I do not know about you,but I use to make to do lists and would end up ripping them up because they did make me bad if I did not do what was on the list when I said I would.It was tormenting ,I was tormenting myself.If I did not do the God dam list, I would punished myself with attacking words like your not able to do anything, which of course is complete bullshit .The list just made me focus on what I did not do and took me away from all the things I had done. The worse thing about the to do list is, I made it and then I made my self feel bad about it.Enough is enough ,no more to do lists for me.Instead I am all about how I want to feel.

The to be list is the best way to feel better in your life everyday .

Take each part of your life and ask yourself how you want to be and feel in that area.It is that simple.

Write it down and it will be one list you can keep all year. If something in your life does not feel right then you can look at the list and see how it was you wanted to feel and then simply work towards feeling that way at your own pace.

Here is my way of doing a to be list to help you with yours.

First write down all the ways you want to feel .Do not hold back this is your life after all.

Here is some examples of good feeling words.












There is so many more so do take your time and think of words that align with how you want to feel.

The next step is write down all the areas of you life you want to have good feelings in.

Here is some examples








When you have wrote down yours, write the feeling beside the area or situation and then each day work towards feeling that way every day.Life is not about to do lists,It is about creating a life you enjoy living.You will always have up and down days but the majority of your days should be filled with good feelings that serve you .

I would love to know how your to be list worked for you.Feel free to leave a comment.I would love to hear from you .

Have a beautiful day x


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