Over coming Shame and taking your power back

Hello Beautiful souls,

I hope you had a good week and that it was nothing like mine.

My Dad was rushed to hospital for an emergency operation.He is stable at the moment but needs to have another tomorrow so it really has been not a great week.

In situations like this time is a funny thing it feels like it is frozen but yet the days keep changing,I suppose it is because each day brings the same feeling of worry and the unknown.

I do not know if any of you have had a loved one that has had an ascending aortic aneurysm but it is a very serious condition and not an easy road to get through.If you do have someone who has had this condition and has gone through the frozen elephant trunk procedure,I would love to hear from you and their story.

Todays topic was chosen already for this weeks blog,but as I go through the process of watching someone I love fight to live it actually seems like a topic worth discussing and giving you some tools to over come shame.

The thing about shame it can be debilitating to your life and forcefully blocking your growth and new experiences.We will at some stage leave this world and even though no body likes to think about this happening one day it will come,so the days,months and years you are here I want you to be free of shame ,especially toxic shame .

Everyone of us at some stage in our life has experienced some sort of shame.Nobody goes through life and misses out on this one.When it comes to shame we are all in it together.


So,as we all will experience shame in our lives without exception there is two types of shame.

Type 1 of Shame

Plain shame is an emotional feeling that can be brought on in plain old life situations that happen to us all. We can be left with the feelings of being stupid,silly,inadequate and generally just less of a person than someone else.This sort of shame is however harmless we can get over it easily if we do not feed the emotion behind the feeling.Plain shame usually when shared with someone will then go away or you will get a response from someone with a similar story and you instantly can let the emotion go and you could easily end up having a good giggle with your friend about it.

Type 2 of Shame

Toxic shame is also an emotional feeling but this type can leave us overwhelmed deep down to our core and even paralyzed to move on with life after the action or situation which brought about the toxic shame.The thing about toxic shame it is not a form of you behaving badly but a form of being told you are bad or unworthy.In toxic shame there will be another person involved in how you came to have this emotion.You have been told there is something wrong with you ,that you are unworthy or unlovable.When we are told words like the following they can become every easy to believe and also very hard to share with anyone, so they do get deep rooted and are more difficult to over come.

You have to decide will you take it as a lesson in life or will you choose it as a punishment and continue to punish yourself?

Regardless of what brought shame to you and what level it is at plain or toxic your ego will feed it if you allow it to.I know plain old shame is easy to share but toxic shame can also be shared,you just need to find the right person to share it with and work on releasing the emotion.

Shame isolates you ,blocks you from being the beautiful person you are, so start taking control of it and take your power back.

You have to own that shameful emotion and let it go.It is yours after all,only you have the power to heal it.

You have to show up for yourself every day ,know this feeling is just a feeling and only has power if you give it to it.

Take each day at a time,seek professional help if you are struggling,forgive yourself for holding on to long to this feeling that has no benefit to you and get your power back. What is in the mind has power but what is in the soul is powerful.

“I am not what happen to me,I am what I choose to become ‘ by C.G.Jung

Have a great rest of your day ,

Lots of love me ,you got this x


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