10 ways to become a better listener

Welcome back beautiful souls,

Remember the more connected we are to our true selves the better our life will be.

This weeks blog is inspired by bad listeners with high roles in peoples lives.

I have had one hell of a week but the minute I got out of the drama of what was really going on and listened and trusted my gut it was a game changer.We so easily forget to do this when we are under pressure.

In all walks of life we are going to be in situations where people do not see your worth or should I say,do see your worth but do not want you to see it!.

We can get so frustrated when we are dealing with certain people who have no listening or compassionate skills and basically put you in situations you would never do to someone else,and if you where in a situation that needed these to skills to resolve the issue,you dear soul would have handled it much different .Why would it of ended up different or never happened ?,because you are here to be the game changer and make better outcomes in all walks of life .Welcome to Inspiring the power of you tribe where we are dedicated to become the best version of ourselves and create better lives for all we come in contact with.

The whole education system has been lacking in some vital skills always that we need to thrive in all areas of our life as we grow.

As I am not a money mentor but more a personal empowerment mentor, I will stick to what I know best to help you.I think a vital skill in life that should be learner from a young age and continued to be learned is listening.

How many situations have you been in through out your life that you did not feel heard or understood. How many times have you just put up with things because you know the person involved just will not listen so you might as well say nothing as you feel like you are talking to a wall.How many times have you not listened to someone and only took what you wanted to hear which escalated the situation.

With mental health issues on the rise,I think that we should all take a step back and see how good we are at listening to others and if we feel like we could be better at listening then we should work on it. It is a skill that will bring about better relationships with your kids ,family ,partner ,friends ,work colleagues and even strangers.

If people do not feel listened to,they can become depressed and will not share their feelings and thoughts with you or anyone and that is a very sad and lonely place to be.Listening to someone who wants someone to talk to is a gift,a gift you can learn and a gift you can give to them. Being a good listener changes your life to in a positive way. It will help build stronger relationships with people.It will boost your confidence .You will have less miscommunication situations and problems will get solved quicker and will have more positive out comes.

Here are 10 ways to become a better listener.

  1. If you can not take in all of what someone is saying remember the most important part.The most important part will be the feeling or emotion behind the upset.
  2. When you are listening to some speak their language to them ,do not use your own words to understand, be on their level during the conversation.
  3. Eye contact is so important when listening to someone .I know on the phone you can not do this but if you are in person listening it is vital for the other person to feel that they are being heard.
  4. Pay attention to body movements ,the way someone holds themseleves can tell alot about how someone is feeling.
  5. Ask questions .When the person has finished speaking and is pausing ,ask questions to help you better understand what they are feeling.
  6. Do not be on your phone when listening to someone else .Remove distractions .
  7. We think faster than we talk, so do not just jump in with and answer ,take time to fully understand what is being said.
  8. Check in with yourself when listening to someone else, as sometimes we can be triggered by what another person is saying or going through.Outcomes can turn out bad if you are reacting to your trigger and not what the other person is expressing.
  9. Learn active listening skills that comfort the person you are listening too.
  10. Listening is a very important untaught skill. Learn more about it so others can learn from you .

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say ” by Bryant McGill

Wishing you all a lovely day .

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