The challenges of being an empath

Hey beautiful soul,

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday what ever you are doing.

As I am working away on different projects to aid you with your journey to be the best version of you,I wanted to make sure we are on the same page when it comes to understanding what challenges you might be facing as someone who is highly sensitive person aka an empath.

My journey to being aware that I was an empath with highly intuitive abilities started when I was in my early twenties. Some people can go through their whole life until they question themselves and how their life is before they look for answers to what they are feeling.

Even when I became aware of my high sensitivity,I did not know everything all at once.It took years to learn about what I could feel and it took even longer to awaken to how much I got used for being this way, and what had happened in my life, which could have been avoided if I new more.

Today,with years of studying and helping others, it is a mission to help empaths realise how amazing they are and that being highly sensitive is a gift not a curse.If you are struggling with any of the following help is at hand and you too can learn how to embrace who you are and create a life that nurtures your gift .

Being highly empathic means your external world effects you deeply so alot of you can be happier spending time alone more than being with other people and this is normal but you do not need to shut yourself off from the world,what you need is to learn how to look after yourself in the world.

Here is a few challenges you may me facing as an empath.

Firstly, one of the major challenges we face as empaths is taking on the pain others.

We can be like sponges walking around absorbing negative energy until we learn how to close that energy field down.Learning to protect your energy is key not to get an overload of negative emotions that are not yours.

Sensory overload comes when we are too open. We can take on others emotions like they are our own.

We can know too much and the reason for this is we can not help but pick up on others saying what they really do not mean .This can be draining and cause emotions such as anxiety. The feeling of what is being said to you is not always true and that you pick up easily when someone has alternative motives to what they are actually doing.

The hardest challenge of all that we face as empaths is the impact of our close relationships can have on us .

Sadly until you get a grip on this one you will with out knowing attract the wrong type of person into our life.This can lead us into very toxic relationships.With out the knowing of the importance of boundaries we can create a life that will bring a lot of pain and unnecessary trauma to our lives .

If you are questioning if you are in a toxic relationship then you most probably are.If you are wondering how you got there,well that is part of the journey to waking up to the empath in you.

If any of the following examples tick any boxes with you,then you are most likely a highly sensitive soul aka empath and the sooner you know this about yourself the sooner you can embrace that part of you and protect yourself from toxic people and situations .

Do you find it easy to relate to others ?

Are you a good listner ?

Do you feel drained after being with certain people ?

Can you easily spend time on you own ,if anything you feel like you need it ?

Do crowded places not suit you ?

Is your gut instinct nearly always right ?,If so when you learn how to embrace that part of you, you will trust it more and it will guide you through life.

Being an empath does come with its challenges but once you understand what being an empath is and what makes you tick you can rise up from these challenges and the strengthen who you are and what you are here to be.

The world will never have enough empaths as they are the ones that help heal the world so be proud of your sensitive side.If you need help with understanding more of who you are and creating the best version of you connect with me ,just hit the link below .

Spiritual coaching for empaths at Inspiring the power of you

Have a lovely Sunday xxx