How to heal from Trauma so you can love yourself

Hello Beautiful souls ,welcome come back.

“To unlearn years of mental and emotional abuse takes time ,you can not rush the process so be patient with yourself “

By Jennifer Clifford

The thing about trauma is that it is deep rooted and it takes time to work it out of your life and your system. The first thing you have to do,is honour how you feel and know that the wounds are real and there is no other way out than to feel them.

When we in are trauma,we really do not see the damage it is causing to us .It is when you step outside of the trauma that is when the real impact of its pain hits.That is when you have to accept that this is what you have been living and know that it was not your fault.

You will have to do a lot of work to let go and you will get there but know this,you know what happened and you do not need to defend yourself to anyone. You lived the abuse and I know when things happen like this we tell everyone that will listen in some hope they will make what you are feeling go away but it does not work that way. Telling everyone and going over everything keeps you in that story.It can be necessary for awhile because talking and having someone listen does help in the moment but to come out the other side you have to let it go and part of that is leaving it where it belongs ,in the past and putting your energy into the future and working on what you want .

The victim mode has to go .The longer it stays the more hurt you will be.Walking away and putting your life back together is an opportunity for growth. We all suffer trauma in our lives ,it is part of life but it does not support who we are and how we want to be. So do not stay there to long ,take the lesson and learn from it .Grow from it and move on.

You know I talk a lot about disconnection because I believe we are more than just body and mind. I believe we are spiritual beings and trauma disconnects us from that part of us. When we are in this separation state or disconnection the suffering happening will continue to happen until we get connected once again and have a practice that keeps us that way, so we heal faster ,we let go of guilt and shame that wants to keep us stuck.

Beat the fear that holds you prisoner and surrender to the higher power.Spirit is always with you .Spirit always wants the best for you .It is us that blocks the support. However when we are open ,doors open everywhere to let in what we need to heal.

Support comes in so many ways so do not underestimate what shows up to help you be open.It might come in the form of a therapist or a person you have never met. It could be a animal ,it could be place you visit. It could be a book or a blog like this one that shows up just when you need it. The more connected you are to your spirit the quicker you will heal.

I know it is hard to accept this when you feel so low and hurt and things just keep going wrong,I know because I have been in that place .So I know, first hand that when you do the work on yourself ,for your self ,life shows up for you.

Healing is loving yourself,so say yes to everything that supports you on that journey and say no to everything that keeps you stuck.

I seen somewhere online the meaning of trauma put in this way ,its not my explanation so credits to the person who explained it like this ,

The T is for The invisible scars we carry ,

The R is for Remembering the pain,the nightmares,

The A is for Anxiety and triggers we battle,

The U is for Unseen battles fought within ,

The M is for Moments that changed everything,

The A is for Always seeking healing and hope,

Trauma is like a journey all parts are going to show up but they are overcome and your life will be so much better. Take your time but do not stop.

Have a lovely Sunday ,big hugs from me too you.
