The most important question you can ask yourself

Hello ,

I hope you are all really good today,

In every day there is something to be grateful for,This is a very true statement and the more you practice knowing this, your life really does become better.You start to look at all the good in life and you do not focus so much on the bad stuff or what is going wrong or what has gone wrong,

But if you ask yourself ,what do I really want ? What is it ? would you know ?

I think alot would say no,I mean eventually you might be able to answer it, but I bet it would take some deep thought and real honesty to get the answer.

So here is an exercise to help you,

Sit somewhere quiet ,

Take a pen and some paper with you,

Write on top of the page…… What do I really want ?

The write work ,relationships and experiences as headings ,

Why work you maybe be wondering ,because we spend most of our days in a job and the most avtive hours doing a job .If you do not like your job then what if you could find something you did like that would pay the same .

Why relationships ,because like is a relationship.Whether it is family ,partner ,work or friends they are all relationships and all those people are what fill up our lives and our time.

Why experiences ,because experiences are things that happen daily in our lives .Good or bad ,wouldnt it be great if we got to choose what we can experience.

Now write all what you want under each heading.

When your done ,there is no rush ,if it takes days then that is what it takes .Most of us do not really know what we want.

When you are finished write underneath ,Thank you .

When or what happens first is not important ,what is important is you go after what you want and you go after that and nothing less. No more settling go after everything on your list.

Big hugs ,Good luck,

I know you can achieve it all xx