What makes a woman strong

Hello and welcome back ,

It is no secret that as women we are considered strong for many reasons .I mean we do carry life and then bring life into the world ,which for any women that has given birth will most likely agree its painful and if men had to do it ,I am not sure they would handle it as well as we do .

Strength can come in all forms so what is it that makes a strong woman ?,

Well first up she does not depend on anyone else to make her happy .She knows that she is responsible for her own well being .When things are not going her way she does not blame but looks at her self and asks what can she do better not whatcan someone can do for her .

She has courage .She is not afraid to try new things .When fear is present she owns it and faces it .A strong woman does not run or hide .She knows running away from problems does not make them go away and because of that she approaches the issue at hand and does her best to solve it .

A strong woman is the one that builds other woman up .Never does she try to bring others down .Most strong women have been through alot ,they have learned through experiences what it feels like to be sad,lonely ,hurt and wronged but never do they wish this on another .They live by a rule which is to build others up and help them never to feel as they have .

Strong woman know themseleves well .They know what they like and what they do not like so they so they do not settle for less .They know life is precious and want to live it fully.

Strong women do not doubt themselevs .When something feels off it normally is .They trust their intution and live by it.

Strong woman respect and believe in themseleves .They are their own biggest cheerleader.So even when know else believes in them they still do not give up because they believe in themselves and what they are cable of achieving .

Last but no least .stromg woman know that showing emotion is a strength and not a weakness .If they are upset they tell you and are not afraid of shedding a few tears .They know the power that makes them strong isto voice and release what does not serve them .As the old saying goes ,it is better out than in .

Have a beautiful Sunday ,

Lots of love me