Is honesty always the best policy

Happy Sunday readers ,I hope you are well .

Is honesty always the best policy ? I have to say no . I mean there is many situations where honesty is the only policy but there is other situations where being honest could be better kept in your own head and not spoken .

We are all dishonest about things in life for example your friend goes out with you for the night and has bought a new dress that looks terrible on her but you say its lovely and she looks great. You can not stand your partners mother but you bite your tounge and say how great she is .You are having a shit day and you bump into your neightbour while out for a walk and ,they ask you how are you today ? and you say, I am great instead of being honest and just saying I feel like shit today.

We are dishonest about lots of things all the time and that is not a bad thing ,Sometimes it nessecary in order not to hurt someones feelings or say something that will get you in trouble .

So there is, I suppose there is something in knowing too much honesty is not all good and little white lies are ok .So where and when is honesty the best policy ?

I have to say its in a relationship .It is one of the most vital traits and top qualities to have so a relationship can thrive . If you are with someome and you can not be honest about your feelings then it is probably not the relationship for you .You should be able to be honest about everything.How you feel .what you think and who you are should not be hidden .To build a true connection honest communication has to be present .

If you lie to your partner you will slowly chip away and the connection between you will decrease until there is nothing left .The person you are with has to trust you and that comes with no secrets .Even if it is a small thing like they cook you a meal and you do not like it ,tell them, you do not like it because if you lie you could be eating it every week for the rest of you life lol .If it is a big thing like you cheated then you should be honest and say what you did .The truth in situations like that nearly always come out in the end so it is better it comes from you and not someone else. Being honest about cheating will most likely break up the relationship but it sets the other person free and to be honest with you .if you really loved and respected the other person you would have not cheated at all, so while we are talking about honesty do not forget to be honest with yourself.

Short and sweet this week but I am sure you get the point .Honesty is ok not to be present if its a liitle white lie but if it is a big fat black lie ….Be honest it is always the best policy.

See you again soon

Lots of love me x