How to work on forgiveness

Hey beautiful souls I hope you have had a good week ,

My week has been good ,I got the first copy of my new book and I love it. In this moment will be released tomorrow on Amazon both in kindle and print .The link will be on my website tomorrow so make sure you pop back and take a look .

Enough about that for now lets jump straight in to todays blog .

If you have ever been hurt deeply by someone in a relationship, forgiving that person can nearly feel impossible .I mean it is bad enough you have been hurt so bad, that why on earth would you think about forgiving at all .The thing is when it comes to forgiveness it is more about moving on with your life and being happy than it is about the other person.Forgiveness sets you free holding on does you no favours .I can tell you that from experience. I found it very hard to forgive my ex husband and for years I was so angry at him .It was however a waste of my energy ,I was really the one holding myself back.It is not like you have to go around to the other person and actually say I forgive you .It is more a silent way of just releasing the feeling so it does not hold you back anymore and it is not about forgetting .

Forgiveness is an act that benifits you but yes it is hard to do but here a few ways to help you work on forgiveness.

Firstly you have to address the pain that was caused to you.This allows you to be clear on what you want to forgive.

Secondly forgive yourself first.When someone hurts us we can blame ourselves for what happened but this never helps you heal and it is not your fault that someone treated you badly so forgive yourself for thinking that way and know that you deserve better than what has happened .

Thirdly ,forgiveness takes time so be patient with yourself .It will happen at the right time so do not pressure your self to forgive anyone .When the time is right it will happen .

Surround your self with supportive and good people .When we are trying to overcome hurtful situations it is vital to be arround the right sort of people.

Learn about forgiveness and know why it is important for you to live and grow into a happier life in the furture ,

Forgiveness is like taking some strong medience .It actually has psychological benifits . When we release anything that is a toxic emotion to us like angry every part of our body gets better .

I think when it comes to forgiveness we have to remember we are all you human and that when another hurts someone else in the past for sure someone hurt them.That obviously does not make up for what happen but we should at least try to forgive like we would want to be forgiven if we hurt someone.

Have a lovely rest of your day and I will see you again soon .

Lots of love me.