How to silence our inner dialogue

Hi everyone and welcome.

This week I would like to talk about the inner dialogue you have with yourself.

We all have it throughout our day. That self- talk that can beret you and stop you from doing what your inner authentic self wants you to do.

So what is your inner dialogue?

It is that voice that negates who you are e.g. you’re not good enough, not smart enough, just not enough of anything. It is that voice that tells you what you should do or not do. It is that voice that wants you to disregard your choices that could lead to something better for yourself and highlights all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something. We all have a dialogue with ourselves constantly throughout our day. So how do you silence that voice within you?
This is a voice that has taken up space in your head for far too long. So to distance that voice from you, imagine this voice to be a person, a room-mate you are living with. It helps you when you see this voice as a person to objectively hear what it is saying to you instead of being lost in what that voice is saying to you within your head.
Question yourself if this was my friend saying these things to me would I listen to them. Would I have a different reaction than the one they are giving me to someone else who has said what I have said?
Does this voice sound familiar?

Is it something that was said to you as a child?
Does it represent another person who has said similar things to you?
Connect with your feelings about what is being said.

Are you being uplifted or being put down?
Now you are the one who has the choice either to believe what is being said to you or to look deeper within yourself to find what the truth is for you.
We have over 60,000 thoughts throughout one day. Some of those are good for us and some not so good. When we connect with those thoughts and choose to see them as a person talking to us outside of ourselves and not just within our heads, we can question the thoughts that bring us down and listen more to what is uplifting us. On a soul journey we are brought to what makes us joyful, loving and inspired within our lives. It is important for you to listen to what is authentic for yourself. Some of the messages that you hear throughout your day are messages that you received about yourself as a child from those around you that taught you about yourself from their version of how they thought you should be. Now it is for you to question all the negative self-talk you have inside of your head and really relate to what is the truth for
you now and is this negative self-talk really how you want or would speak about yourself. Use this week to become more conscious of what you are thinking and saying about and to yourself. In focusing in on what you are saying and thinking about yourself is where you now have the means to change your self-talk to something more gentle, compassionate and kind and in doing so deepen your connection to your true self within. Become mindful of what you say and think about yourself and see the difference it brings toyour day. Be more conscious with your self-talk and in turn create a more loving week for yourself ahead.

Love and light
Teresa Clifford

I am as close to changing my life as my current positive thought – Louise Hay

Thank you Teresa we love your blogs ,big hugs for sharing this message with us x