Heart Break, What is next ?

Hello Beautiful souls ,

Welcome back to Inspiring the power of you ,It is the first of Septemeber and I do love the start of a new month .

After a week of full of relationship stuff, I thought what better subject to discuss this week than heart break and what life is about after it and how to get through it .

If you are currently in a relationship whether it is casual ,serious or even married and you feel it is not working out then you are probably right and it could be time to move on and start again .If on the other hand you are the one that wants the relationship and the other party wants to end it ,heart break could be on the cards for you if it has not already happened .

Here is the thing though, we have to go through relationships with certain people to learn and grow .A relationship begins with getting to know someone and in that process you learn alot about someone .Which as the months go by, that person, you thought was perfect for you may end up not being perfect after all.I honestly think it takes about 1 year to 2 years to really get to know someone and for you to be with them in all areas of life before you can decide if there is a furture together or not .

So you are here reading this blog beacuse you are the one feeling the heart break .It is though and it can feel like you will never get over it or you will never find the one but I am telling you now this all has happend for a reason and in the furture you will see why but for now let us stay in the moment and work on getting you through this feeling of heart breal and loss .

You may not beleive it now but going through heart break does make you stronger. It will help you become a better person because you know what it is like to be hurt that you will feel for others when they are going through the same.

For you to start getting over the heart break,you need to focus on mending the broken heart ,your healing is now what should be importanat ,no looking back ,your focus needs to looking forward .I know its hard but really looking forward is the only way .I am a true believer that if you two are meant to be together it will happen in its own time but for now you still have a life to live and so many other people to meet and experience.

You have to feel your emotions to move pass them so do not push them away .Feel and letting go will come.

I have gone through break ups and also a divorce so I do now how you are feeling right now but know that the right person is out there for you ,take time to heal so when they show up you are ready for them .In the meantime do something every month that lifts you up .

You got this beautiful soul ,

You can join me on youtube for more on this subject by clinking the link .

Have a beautiful day ,

Big Hugs me xxx