15 self care ideas for you

Hello Beautiful Soul,

I hope you are well and feeling good today and if you are not feeling great today then you are in the right place .I am sharing with you 15 self care ideas that you can start today that will help you feel better .

We are so busy in our lives these days that we really can forget to care for ourseleves .Self Care does not have to be time consuming it can be quick ,easy and fun .It is time to recharge yourself are you ready ?

Lets dive right in to 15 ways to care for you .

Rememeber you are made up of 3 parts and each one is as important as the other .Mind ,Body and Spirit is what you are made up of and looking after all 3 parts is self care on over load .

Lets start with 5 things you can do that can give self care to your body .

  1. Go for a walk .It does not have to be long just 20 mintues a day can have a positive effect on your body and it is free.
  2. Do a quick yoda practice, just 10 minutes in the morning can create such a great energy flow in your body ,There is so many 10 mintue routines on youtube you can do right now .
  3. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily .This is self care for the body .You can add some lemon to boost the flavour if you are not a big fan of water .I personally love water but I know some people drink everything else and not enough water ,trust me it will make a difference to your body.
  4. Have a massage .We can hold so much tension in are body releasing it will make you feel relaxed and more flexible .
  5. Bubble bath ,probably my favourite way to self care myself .I love them .Water is a great way of clearing negative energy from the body and having a bath is really doing more to your body than you relise .

Your mind is very powerful and if we are stressed or worried this part of you can become your enemy more than your friend .So knowing ways to settle your mind is vital for your mental and emotional well being

  1. Meditaion is powerful for calming the mind .Just sitting in your garden and lisening to nature is a simple but effective way to meditate .
  2. Gratitude is another way to lift your mood .Write down 3 things you are grateful for right now and you will feel better.
  3. Journaling can be a great way to calm the mind .We can have so many thoughts running around in our head it can get very messy in there .Writing those thoughts down will help you not only make sense of them but will also help you let the go so you do not over think .
  4. Watch or read something positive which will rise your vibration .We can be listen to ,to many things within a day it can be depressing so make sure daily you are listening or reading some positive or inspirational.
  5. Laughing ,yes laughing is self care that lifts you up. When you are feeling down do not watch something sad or serious .Make sure you watch something light hearted and funny and get those giggles on and that smile shining.

Your Spirit is the speacial part of you that makes you who you are .It needs to be feed and norished for you to thrive .Self care for your spirit is simple and beautiful so do not miss out caring for this part of you.

  1. Giving to others .We are here to be good to others and by giving to others feeds your soul .It is a simple and natural way to align with your spirit .
  2. Affirmations .Choosing a couple of affirmations that are soft and positive lift your soul .I am enough ,I am worthy ,I am deserving ,repeat them daily .It takes a few seconds and you will enlighten your spirit
  3. Surround your self with like minded people .Doing this lifts you up because conversations are positive and energy filling not energy draining.
  4. Nature yourself ,walk on the beach bare foot let the sea brush your feet as you walk .If you do not live near the beach go to a park and walk barefoot in the grass .Walking in bare foot connects you to the energy of the universe in the most natural way.
  5. Breathe deep into any pain ,saddness or discomfort you are feeling and allow the body and mind to connect with your spirit so you can let it go and create harmony in all of you .

Self Care yourself so you can be the best of you .

I hope you take something with you from this blog and I wish you a lovely day .

Soul Shopping ,Self Care idea for you .This is an affilated link .Thank you for the support as always .


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