What is intimacy really about ?

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

Welcome back and I hope all is well with you today ,

Alot of people think intimacy is just about sex but there is so much more to what intimacy is really about .

Intimacy between two people starts with being vunerable .Letting someone in to all aspects of you ,sex is just a small part of it.

Nights of passion are not what brings intimacy to life ,trust does ,knowing the person you are with makes you feel safe .

It is more than just a feeling ,its opening up and sharing parts of you, that you do not share with everyone .Intimacy can not be present if there is lies ,control and maniplulation .It just does not work like that .The beautiful thing about intimacy is the knowing that all is well with the person you are with and that you are able to be your self and loved and protected for being you.

Intimacy is rare ,that is why you do not find it with everyone .You will only let someone hold your hand ,hug you tightly ,kiss you deeply when you feel safe .If someone does not make you feel safe, it just will not get that far and if it does it will end if the feeling of being safe and cared for by the person ends .

Healthy intimacy does not mean you have to be joined by the hip .You should have a life ,experiencing things separate .Healthy relationships do not feel need to be with each other every minute of every day .The healthest are those you give each other space ,they know what is between them is special and most of all , they trust each other .Real intimacy is just that, it is real .You do not have to work that hard to maintain it .It just is.

Now do not get me wrong it is not always a bed of roses . Intimacy can also have its ups and downs .Life will always bring us stress ,disagreements ,break down in communication all of which are part of our human experience but here is the thing . when intimacy is healthy and true and both of you except each other, that no one is perfect, you will be strong enough to withstand these challenges, brave enough to show up with compassion and understanding ,connected enough to thrive and loved enough to bare each other souls and create an intimacy that runs deep and a respact and trust that can not be broken but only flourish between you both .If you are in a relationship where you feel intimacy si a struggle then beautiful soul you have not yet found the one ,but you will x

Have a great day x

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