With a little understanding we can heal alot

Hello Beautiful soul ,

I hope all is well with you today ,

You know the journey to healing any aspect of your life is an on going path .There is no quick fix ,no fast lane to take or no corner to go around to make it happen quicker ,it is really a step by step process to get to the other side and even then, I do beleive it is an on going journey but the more we choose the path of healing and go in the direction to heal ourseleves and create a beter life for ourselves inside and out ,we will begin to thrive.

Sometimes however we need to ubderstand why we feel like we do ,which is not always and simple as we think.We do sometimes have to learn about what is going on ,so we can heal and move through it.

I wrote a book called” In this moment” and this book was a start and stop project for a few years ,as I was going through so much personally I could not finish it ,It was also because I had to heal from what was going on ,so I could then help you do the same .

I do not know if you read or just look for answers to help you with what ever you are dealing with right now, but I am sure if you read my book “In This Moment ” you would find soemthing inside that would help you.

I have not only just learned alot but I have also studied alot and healed alot .I love the deeper side of life, the internal power of who we are and what it can do for us when we connect with it .I am Reiki Master and Spirtual Life Coach but I am also just someone who has had alot to heal from and who had to pick themseleves up when they got knocked down . I do believe the purpose of life is to love ourselves and even though this can be tough ,it is possible .I have added the start of my book so that you can get a sense of what it is about and if you feel drawn to it and decide to read it I would love to hear from you .

Have a beautiful day you beautiful soul xx

In This Moment

Your power to heal,

Your power to be happy,

Your power to be loved ,

Your power to be real,

Your power to be you,

Your power is not overlooked here,

All your powers are supported,

All your powers are possible ,

In this moment you are your most powerful.

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