How to forgive yourself from past mistakes

Hello Beautiful soul ,

Deep title for some deep work .If you found this blog post then you have probably felt trapped in voices that keep reminding you of past mistakes.They can leave you feeling crippled as they echo in your mind ,critizing you like a bad parent .So shuold you try and ignore the voices or should you try something else.

The answer is try something else, because ignoring anything that is to do with emotions and feelings can not really be ignored.They do have to be conforted so they can fuck off and you beautiful soul can get on with your life.

So how do we make the voice stop and forgive ouseleves for things we can not change ?

Learning compassion is first up .

We all make mistakes ,there is not one person on this planet that has not done something they regret.So thank youself for being human .The point that you are even reading this blog means you want to let it go ,so start showing yourself some compassion for wanting that for yourself.You deserve to let it go no matter what it was, because what is done is done and it can not be undone .

It is time to step into the version of your self that has forgiven yourself for past mistakes .

Take a long deep breath and allow your self to embrace the feeling of libiration as you forgive yourself and let go.

Even though this is hard to do ,lets ask ourself the question,

“Why is it so hard to forgive ourself ? ”

Well it starts with a few things and all these things are created by ourseleves ,so when we become aware of them we can change them and this will lead us on the path of forgiveness to one self for past mistakes.

Personal expectations ,

Yes ,we put to much pressure on ourseleves to be perfect and we are never going to be perfect ,Why ? ,because we are human .When we have put on our own personal expectations, we self critize, which is a hurtful act we do to ourselves,no one else is doing it.We ourseleves are doing it .Then as we self critize ,we bring this with us into our social circles and our emotional state.We then highten it with the fear of repeating the mistake and this behaviour keeps us stuck in that horrible place inside that lacks compassion for ourselve.

We all make mistakes ,We all make mistakes ,We all make mistakes get that into your head.

It is also something we all have to do in life so we can grow personally and emotionally .We make mistakes so we can learn from them .

It is vital for your mental and emotional well being to forgive yourself for past mistakes .

If you are really struggling with it, there is a few things you can do .

Accept imperfection ,this is powerful .Repaeat after me “I am not perfect ,I am human ” hell that feels good to say ,thank God for this knowing.Reflect on your mistake ,look at it in the real light of day ,I bet it was not as bad as you thought it was and if it still feels like it was bad then what lead you to do it? .

Reflecting on that will give you the answers you need.

Practice staying in this moment because like, I said the past is gone and you can not change it no matter how hard you try.If you still feel like nothing is working then get some support. Guilt and shame are really damaging to our mental ,emotional and over all well being ,you need to work it away.So if you feel like you can not do it alone then find someone to talk about it with .It will be the best thing you can do for yourself.

Have an amazing day and I will see you next week in the Inspiring the power of you community where your time is now. to heal ,rise and thrive.

Thank you xx