Narcissistic abuse steels your free will

Hello Beautiful soul,

Thank you for joining me again ,

I hope you are well and feeling and knowing you are enough and you are worthy of healthy love.

So you are realising you are in or have been in a relationship with a narcissist and because you have woken up to this realization, you actively start to look for messages and information to help you make sense of what the fuck has been happening .

It is a hard one to come to terms with, mainly because with the narc there is no right or wrong with them .They see nothing but their own needs and will go to any length to feed them.

The thing with narcs is, they do their best to steel your free will .What do I mean by free will ? Your feelings ,as a person you have the right to feel what ever you want, but with a narc ,this is not how it works. They want you like a robot ,no feelings just functioning under their control .Your free will is Gods gift to you and the narc trys to steal this from you and alot of the time they succeed,well for awhile anyway .

You are reading this now but because you came looking for it. I bet you have been supressing what you have felt for awhile .You were not able to be angry ,you were not able to be sad ,you were not allowed to be happy ,you are not allowed to be you .The narc never does wrong so when you are hurt by something they did you are not allowed to feel that, so you swallow it ,you happiness is not allowed unless they can take the credit for making you feel that way .

Feeling lost is a real feeling you are left with after being with the narc .You develop coping skills and you do not see that this is what you are doing but trust me but you are .If you have now left the narc, like most have when they go looking for answers, it because out of sight does not mean out of mind. The emotional and mental abuse you have been experiencing is not easy at all to walk away from .It is inside your mind and the knowing the mind is very powerful and deep wounds are held in there until we work on healing it .Yes healing your mind is what you have to do to take back your life and your free will to feel and be of feeling .The pain ,the rage the anger is real ,you must start there before you get to the part you start to love your self again .

Healing the mind is challenging but you can take it back so its yours again .Everything they did was wrong ,the slow ,subtle chipping away at you can be healed .You got this ,if I can do it so can you .Give your self a hug right now and repeat after me I am worthy of healthy love .

Love and light xx


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