Elegant photoshoot featuring a woman holding a pink flower amidst petals.

New Year , New You .

Hello Beautiful Soul ,

Welcome back ,

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas ,

I did have a lovely Christmas with my mam and kids but I will not lie ,it was tough having the first Christmas without my Dad,

As the new year approaches there is so much going around on social media about what to change for the up coming year and what are you going to achieve .I dont know about you but it can get abit over rated and to be honest, you can feel exhausted before you have even started .

So here it is ,2025 is 4 days away and you are probably already making lists and plans of how you are going to have the best year of your life and all of this will start on the 1st of January .Did you know, by about the 17th of January most people have given up and start to feel depressed and are back to the old routine ,the old way of being and thinking before February starts,

What if you tried something different this year and seen what haapend ?

The year ahead is unknown ,I mean, we do not know what are year will bring and we sure can not control everything that happens .So what if you started this year different and allowed it just to flow with no pressure .Do you think you could do that ?.You are already probably thinking ” No way “. Here is the thing though ,you do have to do something .

Nearly everyone has something they want to change ,it might be your weight ,it might be your fittness ,financial situation ,relationship ,job ….the list can go on but really all these things come down to one thing which is your identity .

Who do you want to become ?

Past stuff blocks more than you think ,change is hard when you are holding on to past feelings ,self talk about things you can not change are not going to help you get where you want to be .

Decide who and what your furture self looks like and feels like ,

Say no to everythihg else ,

You do not have do anything big ,you just have to do small steps to the best version of you ,each one will get you closer to that person you are craving .

The hardest part will be letting go of the old identy, so start the year letting those beliefs go ,watch what you are saying to yourself ,the person you are becoming can not live in a world where you stay i the past .You can not change any of what happened you can only change what happens tomorrow .

Write down who you want to become ,Say Yes to the person you where always meant to be and say goodbye to the rest .

Wishing lots of love ,light and positive vibes for 2025 ,

You got this ,

Love me x

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