What is abuse ?

Hello beautiful soul ,

Welcome to Inspiring the power of you blog ,where topics are cover to help you to heal ,learn selflove and personal growth, so you can live you best life as the best version of you .

After 23 years of being in an abusive relationship, it is mad to say I stayed that long in something that was hurting me, but here is the thingh ,you have to know what abuse is, before you can recognize the signs and all the signs are not as straight forward as a slap in the face .If someome smacked you in the face you would know what just happened but when someone is mentally and emotionally abusive,it is not the easy to see .

Abuse comes in all sort of forms .The ones you see are physical and sexual ,the ones you do not see are pyschological and emotional .As I said if someone smacked you in the face you know what just happened ,if someome raped you ,you know what just happened ,if are being abused pyschologically and emotionally it is a slow subtle beinging which gets worse as it goes on .

As my abuse came in the form of pyschological and emotional mainly ,that is the one I want to give you some insight into today because like I said it is not that easy to spot at the start of the cycle, but trust me you will be very aware of it at the end .I want you to recognize the signs before to much damage is done to you .

Here are some of the top ways you are being physchologically and emotionally abused .Take note of each one carefully .

  1. Manipulation
  2. Blaming
  3. Humilation
  4. Frightening you
  5. Intimidating you
  6. Hurting you
  7. Contolling you
  8. Isolating you
  9. Disrespect you
  10. Meanness and crutely

They all seem like you would see then right ? Each one of the words above are very clear what they mean and stand for, but when they are being projected onto you by someome you are in a relationship with, they do damage before you see them .

This kind of abuse is designed to destroy your soul and believe me the abuser knows exactley what he or she is doing .

They will constantly threathen,insult and yes will constantly monitor you movements and wareabouts.

Maybe the ten words I put above are hard to break down into behaviours that make you see them in your life ,so let me give you some examples of situations that will make more sense if they are not already.

He or she needs constant contact .

He or she tries to keep you all to themselves ,puts down family and friends so you spend less time with them and more with him or her.

He or she is disrespectful to you .You know it because when the are you feel bad and sad inside.

He or she is jealous for no reason .This never stops no matter what you do ,they will always find a reason to make this an issue.

He or she is never wrong ,I mean never ,you are always wrong .

More times than not they abuse some sort of substance .

When he or she is angry ,you are afraid of what they could do to you so you try to avoid making them angry alot.

He or she will isolate you .Know that no healthy relationship between two people has this issue .

They are never happy with you ,they will always find something to make you feel not good enough .

Every person on this planet has the right to be free ,to say how they feel ,to be respected and valued but when you are in an abusive relationship this is far from the case and if you do try an assert these things you will be punished and you will be afraid.

If anything I have written about feels like you ,know you are not alone and there is a way through the hurt and pain you have gone through .If you need help to do so ,click the link below and reach out .I will be happy to do a 15 minute presesson call with you to see if I am the right person to help you .

I will leave you with this quote .

“What you allow will continue ” by Unknown

Have a lovely day lots of love me xx